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Featured Site: The Designer's Assistant

The world wide web is teeming with information to help out the Production Designer, and whenever we come across posts that we think you'll enjoy, we include them in our Round Up. But when we find a site is as dedicated to the Art Department as we are, we thought it only fair to profile it in a special "Featured Site" post*, so you could add it to your reading list like we have.

Our first featured site comes to us from Randall Wilkins, a long-time set designer, who has compiled his excitement about the art department's past, present and future into his site, The Designer's Assistant: An Informational Site for Film and Television Designers. A small sampling of what you'll find:

A feature on the history of painted backings, in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2.

...and more.

Hope you enjoy getting to know The Designer’s Assistant!

*Have a website you’d like us to share? Let us know!

Send a message to with the title ”Featured Site Idea.”


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